
Three kinds of friendship

"A friendship is either for a reason, for a season or for a lifetime!"

A few months ago one of my favorite Youtubers, Lydia Elise Millen, brought up this quote from her friend Carrie and since then I have been having this quote in my notes.


I have also talked with a friend of mine about it and we came to the point that although it might seem a harsh sentence to say, it is true! And possibly also without any kind of judgement.  


It seems obvious that the most beautiful type of friendship is the one which lasts for a lifetime but I think that every person and situation can teach one something and so also a friendship which bases on something else than pure amity. Besides this, also if a friendship is for a - maybe not kind - reason, for two people to be friends, at least one should have positive feelings towards the other one and if this happens, one should have passed great, joyful or at least in some kind bonding moments with the other person.

So in the end, also this friendship has brought some happiness in your life!


The next one is the friendship which is only for a season - of course, with a season I do not mean a calendar season but a period of time.

I have to say that to me this kind of friendships are the ones which leave a stale after-taste. You know, if it was a real friendship and one loses contact only because you live in another city or because you don't see each other in a long time, then it shows that probably it was not a real friendship after all. And for me this is worse than a friendship for a reason as if a friendship for a reason falls apart both of you will immediately know why. 


Now. let's come to - I think - everyone's favorite kind of friendships. The friendships which last for a lifetime. I think that these friendships are meant to be. In some post, I once read that if a friendship lasts longer than seven years, it is very likely to last forever. Now, I practically live with the aim of bringing my new friendship at least at the seven years milestone, you know?! All joking aside, I would say that the friendships which I have that have lasted for so long, really are the ones which I will carry with me hopefully for all my life.


I hope that you also have some deep friendships as I do and further I want to shout out to my dearest friends out there. Love you.


And you? Do you have any evidence that a friendship that lasts at least seven years is not going to break up? If so, please share it!

I'd love to read your stories!

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