
Pride not prejudice

Do you know this feeling? ...when you are proud of someone? What does this really mean? What is behind such a statement?


Firstly, I want to say having someone who says to you "I am proud of you!" is probably one of the most beautiful sentences, a person can say to another. To me, it gives me a feeling of acceptance which is lovely!

And yes, you might say "You have to be proud of yourself in the first moment..." and I can agree but having somebody who tells you that he or she is proud of you, it is like if she is holding your back and strengthening you.

So next time, that you are proud of someone, tell them. They will surely appreciate that!  


Now, I can tell you something, I am absolutely sure about. I think that to be proud of someone, you have to love this person! Yes, I know, this sounds dramatic. But I mean that you really have to care a lot about somebody to be proud of her! Otherwise you would not care, would you? The feeling of pride is very deep and profound. To feel it for someone else, you have to feel with this person. You have to empathise, to relate to her. Probably, you have also to know this person really well - actually this, I don't know for sure. Either way, when you are proud of someone, you are happy for her and her achievements and this can only happen if you want the best for her.


Last week for example, my little cousin won a ballet contest and I was sooo happy for her that I wanted to show her pictures and her videos to everybody. I realised that I actually am really proud of her, just because I can tell: "Look, this is my cousin!" And yes, I obviously love her. 


So the reason why earlier I said that having someone who tells you that he or she is proud of you is simply beautiful, is thus because for me, this person is telling firstly that you have done right, secondly that she cares about you and thirdly she is actually telling you that.


As the section of my blog says, this is another reflection of mine but maybe, so next time one will tell you that she is proud of you, you will think of this post and appreciate the statement even more.

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