
Reality vs. Instagram life?

Hello everyone!
I hope you are doing well!
Can you see the photograph down here? It is a nice one, don't you think? Now I am going to tell you something about it...

Last weekend, in occasion of a particular family reunion, my cousins and I went to Europa Park - this is why the photo may look like it was taken in Spain; it was in the Spanish district.


What you do not know is that I asked my Mom the whole day to take pictures of me and my cousins together. Fortunately, my Mom likes taking photos.

I would not say that there were not a lot of usable pictures but in the end surely not everyone was suitable to be posted... and clearly, it is not the first time.


This is one of heaviest Instagram critics, isn't it? Reality vs. Instagram life! It has been said sooo so often how fake Instagram is and that life is not as perfect as we want to show on this particular social media platform.

On the other hand, I remember when my Mom used to let develop photographs from the photographer and glued the chosen photos in the albums. In my eyes, we do the same thing with the photos that we post on the Gram, don't we?!

I think that it is normal to choose the best the version of ourselves to present it to the rest of the world. Maybe, the point should be always being or at least always trying to be the best version of ourselves.

That I am the best version of myself when I am having all kind of experiences and when I am feeling happy and well also with myself, is intuitive. Besides of that, I have decided to post lots of outfit photos because these are the one I look more often to when I am on Instagram. Fashion is my passion, you know?!

I think that Instagram can be a wonderful place to get impulses from and for this reason it is also important that only the very best - such as positiveness, inspiration and love - is shown there.

And in the end, I want to show you some of the - not too many - shots taken.

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