
Support is everything

Everybody has surely lived a moment in their lives in which they didn't feel alright and needed to unburden themselves or when they needed motivation to crack out or simply when they did well and getting acknowledgement, they felt like the cherry on top was set.


What do all these situation have in common? Someone who supports you!

It is not about who it really is, they could be different persons in different situations of your life, like your best friend when you messed things up, parents when you learned to walk or your boss when did a good job.

It simply feels good to have someone who stays by your side, doesn't it?


Sometimes we will need more support, sometimes less, nevertheless I would say that a little bit of help is never harmful. Of course, we should learn to rely on our strengths but it is also great to know that if ours do not last, others might be there.

This by the way, is what relationships are based upon... and I'm not necessarily talking about narrow relationships. Also the relationship to your baker can be important. You rely on the fact that you will be able to buy bread from him. Okay, now I am rambling.

But we really need people around us and even-handedly we have to be there for the people around us. Just care. As you want some support when you need it, others also may need yours.


This week, I have read a sentence which said something like: "If you ask people what they desire, they will give you an infinite list but in the end, the only things which matter are love and support."

I actually think, that life is a little more complicated than this but I can't completely disagree! - Although I think that in this case, love and support are nearly the same thing. 

The reason why I can't disagree with this claim is because I think that love -and support - are the things which motivate you the most and consequently, with the right amount of motivation and possibilities, one can achieve so lot that probably a good part of the above mentioned list will be covered.


Either way... be kind! Care about others, give support and appreciate the support you get. It is gold worth. 

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