
Firenze - City of Renaissance

Wednesday - 06:34 am - departure from Basel.

Arrival at the Hotel Sina Villa Medici at 02:40 pm after having passed about an hour in the library "La Feltrinelli" in the main station, S. Maria Novella, of Florence. Now we have a city to explore... but first check-in and get a shower... or a bit sleep (?). Ok, let's be honest. I first took a nap. But now we really have a city to explore.


Got changed: high heels and jumpsuit - Jumpsuit top; (new) high heels not that much. My feet were soooo hurting at the end of the evening. We walked around the centre for about 4-5 hours. Found interesting shops as Gucci, Cartier, Versace - this one is just next to one of the most important fashion schools in the world, the Istituto Marangoni - etc. and finally got to the dome: Santa Maria in Fiore.

I have no words to explain the beauty and magnificence of this cathedral.  One looks at it and thinks how is it possible that human hands made this about 700 years ago! Stunning with his cupola projected by Filippo Brunelleschi. 


We ate at the Cathedral Square aka Piazza del Duomo. I had to have a seated photo in front of this wonderful marble enchantment. We ate really well by the way - each of the meal we had during the trip was delicious; Italian Cuisine, you know? And to end up the evening a generous gelato: with pistachio, hazelnut and bacio... mhh!!

Afterwards we headed to the hotel as the feet were actually burning! Blisters included. I know, I am not a real tourist, if I go sightseeing like this. But that was the naked truth and I hope not to make this mistake another time!


The next day, we ate our breakfast in the garden of the hotel. I took fruits and a tea and I asked if it would have been possible to have lactose-free yogurt as I have developed a lactose intolerance in the past years and if I eat to much of it, exaggerating, it can be brutal. But they were really nice and got me some. So... happy me!!


After had breakfast we headed to the Galleria degli Uffizi. We took the bus which leaded us to Palazzo Pitti, so we first had to cross over the river Arno. The first bridge we encountered was a really unique bridge. It was full of little shops which were not only shops but jewelleries - all over the bridge. When we crossed it over, I found out we had just walked on Ponte Vecchio, the only bridge in Florence which persisted WWII.

After crossing Ponte Vecchio, we arrived at the Galleria degli Uffizi in about 2-3 minutes. The queue lasted definitely longer!... Although we did not wait too long in my opinion. For your information, the regular ticket costs 20€ and the reduced 2€ which you can get if are younger than 25 and European Union citizen. I would say that the price is fair enough.

Sooo... if you are in Florence I urge you to visit the Uffizi! Where history and art meet.

Here are some piece of artwork, you can spot in the Uffizi.

As you can see, there was so much! From Julius Caesar to Socrates, from Hercules to Eros, passing through Leonardo Da Vinci's paintings - in the slider you can see an unfinished one! - also as Botticelli's, Caravaggio's, etc. It was kind of strange being there and being able to see these centuries old canvases, famous all over the world. Strange but beautiful!

After having rambled for about 3-4 hours, we arrived at the terrace of the Uffizi in which a café is situated and ate something.


I accidentally - not for the picture but it turned out very optimal! - sat in front of Palazzo Vecchio (yes, I know, it sounds like Ponte Vecchio but that was a bridge while Palazzo Vecchio is a palace). Look at this view and please ignore my exhausted face!

What a location! Well... this day was our "museum day". Leaving the Galleria degli Uffizi, we directed ourselves to the Galleria dell'Accademia. I had to see the Michelangelo's David! And I have to say that there was nothing else that captured my attention as much. But the ticked was worth it nonetheless. I stared at this statue for good 20 minutes. Oh my goodness. How wonderful! How is it possible to sculpt such a beauty? And let's be realistic how beautiful was the model?! Really, what a body!

We ended our museum tour around 5 o' clock, went to the hotel, took a shower, got changed, shot a few pics in the hall of Villa Medici and took an aperitif by the pool before going to dinner. Our feet hurt a bit after having walked the whole day, so we needed a little bit of rest. I took an Aperol Passion with Passoa! It was so tasty but the effect was also sudden. I do not tolerate much...

The next morning was all about relaxation by the pool, reading a book and sunbathing - nope, there will be no photo of it! 

But surely it will be about what we did in the afternoon: High end shopping with the first stop in Chanel. I do not want to seem cosseted. I work and I am fortunately blessed that I can afford to save for some high end pieces once in a while. I am a fashion lover and that is what I am into. 

Sooo... It was my first time in Chanel Florence and I have to say that I am not so content with the service. The SA snorted because I wanted to look after some brooches after that I decided to take some espadrilles. But okay, in the end I got the brooch and the espadrilles and I am a happy kid!

If you are into fashion as I am, you might have recognised the Versace pattern on my skirt. It is one piece but it elevates the whole outfit, doesn't it? 


Well, the most fashion bloggers - it is like part of the starter kit - have a Gucci Marmont belt. I do not because I feel like everyone has it and I wanted something different. So, since it had been ages that I wanted a new black belt with golden hardware and from their website, I knew that Versace had one that I liked, we went there and they had the belt I wanted in store in my size! The SA here was veeeery nice! Really sweet! Maybe it also has to do with the way I was dressed, who knows? One thing is sure, the experience in Versace was beautiful! We got to drink a bottle of water in these Medusa glasses. Oh my gosh, they were sooooo heavy!

I almost forgot that I have learnt two things that evening! The one is that I should not ask if a dish contains cream but lactose and the second is that in Florence you answer! Okay, let's begin with the second... I was walking around in Florence with my shoppings bags as a bright happy kid and a guy called me from over the square: "Hey lady!" I looked a second, smiled amused and looked away. "Lady or miss? Hey! You?? In Florence you answer!" Sorry, it was funny! 


The other thing costed me bad 15 minutes: I had a delicious mushrooms risotto - btw. I love mushroom risotto! - and I tasted some cheese in it if I am completely honest but it was so good and I was that hungry that I could not let it! Just two minutes after standing up from the restaurant, I began feeling weirdly. Fortunately, we entered immediately a pharmacy and I took some lactase. Oh man! I had begun got tremble by that time! The lactase worked rapidly but as I was walking out of the pharmacy, I glanced in a mirror and I still was bright red! After that episode, I did not want to go for a walk any further.


The plan for the last full day was to visit the cathedral from the inside, go to Piazzale Michelangelo and then chill out and be spontaneous. We directed us to Santa Maria in Fiore and... well, I think that I have never seen such a long queue in my life. Standing hours under the sun did not seem such a brilliant idea, just to watch the church from the inside. So we went for a walk, shopped a bit, ate with the view on the river and then "hiked" up to Piazzale Michelangelo: a square from which you can enjoy the Florence's panorama - with a bronze copy of Michelangelo's David.

Saturday evening, we spent it searching for little gifts and going to dinner. Nothing too overwhelming but we also wanted to return not too late to the hotel. Nevertheless here are the last outfit pictures, one in front of Villa Medici and the other in Piazza della Repubblica where we stayed a lot, listening to a street musician! 

I hope that you enjoyed reading of Florence! 
I spent beautiful days and I surely can recommend this wonderful city full of history and art!

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