
We're all in this together

We live in a world in which you always hear "Do your own thing!" Personally, I do not think that it is wrong... but I also think that it is even more beautiful when people do their own thing together.

It is about finding the team you fit in and together work for a united goal. In the end, that is what society is like, isn't it? In a society, there often are problematics which affect everybody and which cannot be solved alone but for which every person can be responsible.

Think for example about the plastic overconsumption we have in the industrial world. If one single person acts carefully, it will not change the future situation but if a complete nation acts carefully due to a new law for instance, then yes, we are more likely to see a difference! Either way, as the society is build by individuals, the action of everybody is needed! Every single person is necessarily liable - also for the others who might not do as much.


Actually, I do not want to convert my blog in a political platform. This is not what my blog is about. I only wanted to give an example that when there is a joint aim, it probably should not be so that everyone runs for him- or herself but that everybody is responsible for everybody. 

Probably, it is also about caring as you also think about the others and what they can or cannot do and what you could take over for them. 


Working along and being "all in this together" as Zac Efron sang a few years ago... Yeah, maybe quoting High School Musical is a bit cringy, I admit it but what I mean is that in a society, or in life in general if you want, we win together, we lose together. It's called teamwork and it should be like this in every teamwork.


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