
The Friends who Know Me

What is being under friends like?

If your friends are like mine, then it is like you have your family around. 


With my besties - let's specificy that I have known some of them for 15 years - we call ourself sisters! I know that this may sound exaggerated. Maybe it also is. But especially with the one or the other, the bond we have is really great. They know me.


It is knowing the other person without judging because you actually know the person and her character so well that you can't judge, you at least understand.

On the other side, you can be fully you and have fun despite your differences. Mostly, I am very different from all of them and simultanously, we are very similar in the one or the other aspect of our being, too.

It has been said that together the four of us, could be part of a movie like "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants". Cringy? Maybe! But so much fun! 


You know, we know the families of the others and they know us since we have been children, too. And also if I am used to call R. "Prof. Rizzuto" this does not change the affection that I feel for her. E.g. she carried us from one place to the other for years at every possible hour of the day. How not to be grateful?


As I said we have a special bond but with every single one, the relationship is different. We the one, we chat almost daily knowing always where the other is at, with the other maybe once a month but knowing that whenever we would need each other, we can come back to talk and spill some tea.


I would not say that I have loads of real friends but the ones I have really are good friends who really know me for who I am and love me as I am and I, on the other side, love them all so much!

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