
The joy of anticipation

In German there is a saying which tells that the joy of anticipation is the most beautiful joy. 

I do partly agree but only partly.


You see, today is the 23rd of November and Christmas lights are beginning to decorate the cities. Of course, we enjoy the time before Christmas with the Christmas markets, decorating our homes, choosing the tree and so on but the most beautiful thing - at least for me - is enjoying Christmas eve with the people I love... without it the rest becomes vain as it loses its intrinsic value. That is why I do not think that the joy of anticipation can really be the most beautiful one.


So, I spoke about why I do not really agree with the saying... now: Do you know why I think that the joy of anticipation is beautiful nonetheless?

At first, because you do in fact enjoy more in life and are happier if you think about the good things that are yet to come. Secondly, because you are being faithful and confident that the plans you have in mind are going to fulfil themselves and this puts a complete different energy and aura around you. You are energetic and positive and cheerful!


I sent various CVs around this time last year. Sometimes I even did not get an answer and you can imagine that that was not fulfilling at all! I ended up sending applications also to some job positions which did not interest me that much as I really wanted a place to work at. There were moments which really affected me. Either way, I remember telling: "You know what?! I am absolutely sure that my job will be the most beautiful one!" I was sure of that and it gave me hope. 
At last, there also was some businesses who wanted me but I wasn't so sure this time and I did not take the job. There was some piece of advice and some instinct involved and in the end I am so grateful that everything went as it should as I love where I am at nowadays and this is very joyful.


I wanted to share this - actually quite personal - episode to demonstrate that joy always pushes you and that is the good part. But making it to the point you want to is a lot better. So keep fighting to lastly say: "This was all worth it!"

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