
"Don't you think, it is embarrassing posting some kind of contents?"

It is true... I post most different content - maybe also content which not everybody would post... but this does not mean that I am not conscious about me setting it public.


Last week, I joined the "Dolly Parton Challenge". For the ones who are not familiar with it, it is about posting a layout of four kind of photos: one you would post on LinkedIn, one you would post on Facebook, then Instagram and Tinder; just to illustrate the different characters of the social networks.


You have to know that my superiors as well as my parents follow me on Instagram where I posted this layout and of course I knew it and I also knew that they would have seen it - including the "Tinder-Kind-Of" photo.

Why I posted it nonetheless? For me, the challenge was not only to demonstrate the different characters of the social networks but also to show that despite there are different versions of ourselves, we remain one person with all these characteristics! (By the way, one of my superior as well as my Mom liked the post!)


I am the chic, black blazer grown up in the office, the funny chocolate cake eating gal in a more private environment, the glamorous lady on the streets and also a maybe bit provocative woman in some circumstances - but let's be serious... I am not the only one! It is normal having different sides as these are which make us us! I actually think it would be sad if we would not be that kaleidoscopic! And I am! I am simply all of it and I am not scared of showing it!


In the past, some people have asked me "Don't you think, it is embarrassing posting some kind of contents?" And they referred to me singing or showing my naked legs or also my suitcase with my pyjamas on top. And guys... no! I do not. It is not that I do not think about what I post. But if these my posts are public, so is also my life when I open up the door of my house, isn't it? And it happens that I sing down the streets or that I am at the seaside in bikini (yes, on the "Tinder-Kind-Of" photo I was wearing a bikini, a bandeau one, what did you think?!) or again that I open the door to the postman whilst I am still in my pyjamas - I am not the only one, am I? But also here... I would not open up the door in underwear and this is the distinction which I make! Do you get what I mean?


In the end, if I think back to the "Dolly Parton Challenge" it also was a way to be ironic to me. To laugh about me eating cake and mug for instance. It is beautiful to be able to laugh about yourself and not taking yourself too seriously. It is okay. That is life. I do not believe that anyone is perfect but that everyone has different sides of themselves!

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