
Grateful for Everyday Life

I know that to some people this may sound disrespectful but I think that this particular time in history is here to teach us something and most of all to show us to be more grateful for Everyday life (not only Coldplay's song) and for all the things we give for granted everyday.


How can one be grateful for something which is taking liberty away from us? How to be grateful for something which has taken and continues to take away lives from us? How to be grateful for something which is maybe driving us mad? 
I get it - these probably are not things one is usually grateful for. Nevertheless, right now we also see things from a different perspective and that is something to be grateful for because you can reflect about different topics and maybe change your mind about other ones. Once someone told me that only the fools do not change their minds...


I think that we are here to do our best: to live happy lives without harming anyone and if possible, to leave something good for our posterity. In line with this train of thoughts, we are also here to learn... To learn how to do our best, don't we? And this situation is teaching us a lot! It is teaching us how important relationships are! It is facing us with the relevance of the liberty of a walk! It is showing us that in this world we rely on each other and that we can only come out of this altogether! And it might be true that we are in this situation because of others who were not reliable but on the other hand, thinking like this does not help either!


In this moment, the environment is saying thanks for all the plants which are shut down. We could say thanks for all the things we normally take for granted and for which we now realised we should be grateful for - also this is a realisation to make!

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Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    Pipo77 (Samstag, 11 April 2020 17:26)

    "It is teaching us how important relationships are! "

    - Yes, indeed!