
The character is going to show off!

I am surely not perfect but this is who I am - and actually I do not think that I ever wanted to be someone other than me... maybe only the better me, the best version of myself. But also there I would not want change my character in the whole.


Today I am actually wearing a T-shirt which was gifted to me and which says "You can't fake character." and for me it means that I have my own personality and I - as everyone else, too - cannot try to be someone different. In the end, your character, your personality, is going to show through!


I know that most people would never write such a post or initiate such a blog at all. They would never expose themselves this much. Maybe because of shyness, maybe because they think that their thoughts belong only to them, maybe because they are afraid to be judged wrong. Do you think these thoughts do not apply to me? Mhm... I actually do not think so. Of course, I am not the shyest person on earth. Surely I am not but in some situations I am it also! Do you think that I write about everything possible and expose 100% of myself? Well, it is not completely like this. I have to disappoint you. Do you think I am not afraid to be judged wrong? I am. But on the other hand I also do not care too much - because who knows me (or who wants to know me) loves and accepts me for who I am and that is the most important thing!


I basically write and post the things I would normally say or do and I personally think that it is not wrong to expose yourself if you are willing to do this. Of course, you have to be conscious of the possible consequences but it is your life and unless you are harming someone, if it gives joy to you to show up - perhaps because you like to question yourself or to be ironic or also for pure vanity... Why should someone other point the finger towards you and say "What do you want to represent by acting like this?"


I am not advocating that everyone should bare themselves or so. I am only saying that I believe that if one wants to and acts like this in the limits of coherence and consciousness, we should let him. Who are we to judge? In the end, this person is only showing a part of his personality and this is only normal! Because it is his character and sooner or later it is going to show off anyway! We do not have to share this exposing behaviour - but we can accept it. Everybody has his own character and nobody is perfect. So acceptance really is important to live a peaceful life. 

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