
Opportunities and blessings nowadays

Sometimes I think about how fortunate we are, living in the today's society... I do not think that everybody realises that.


We could talk about this issue in relation to the virus: Let's imagine this would have happened also about 15-20 years ago. I am pretty sure that lots and lots of people could not have continued working or found a such easy alternative as home office or online shops also for little retailers. Home Office would have probably worked a lot worse and slowly - for me, it is slow now yet! - not having the technologies we have now and the online shops would have had firstly much less visibility as now they are advertised on social media with the own community and secondly there actually is an online community! I am sure that about 15 years ago not every family had a computer at home - least of all that every family member had his own device!


Also in relation to the virus - but not necessarily... We have the possibility to still be connected although we cannot be joint! Later on in the day for example I have a video call with my friends in Italy and it will be so nice! Of course, it is not the same as hugging someone - it is a surrogate, we all know it - but it simultaneously is a way to diminish the distances and can make us all happier!


Our grandfathers and grandmothers lived in a time that was way worse than this. They lived one to two wars and maybe also the fear of a third, a nuclear one... and I, here in the center of Europe, have been born in maybe the most secure place and time for Europe due to the European Union and all the contractual guarantees. We live in a world and environment that we want to protect and e.g. we have the technologies to search for better energies and also trying to maintain the standards we have. This is amazing!


I, as x people, had the opportunity to study in the oldest Swiss University! And in fact I remember one of my classmates in school also applying to Harvard - and again one of by best friends has recently presented his master thesis at Chapman University in California... Just think of it! What a job, a career - what possibilities can come across just with that kind of education!


We have so many many opportunities and fortunes that maybe is difficult just to realise them. Perhaps it is easier to look on the bad things? I do not know. Either way, we really should always look on the bright side of life because it is soooo bright and vast, too. We should be happy and grateful for what we have and the chances which we can take because we really are blessed. 

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