
Show to inspire

In our society, I sometimes get the feeling that it is not appreciated or well taken, if you are going to show off what you have or what you have achieved. Either way, recently I listened to a podcast and in the U.S. this is quite the opposite and I think that this is beautiful!


There they encourage other people’s success and are truly happy for the achievements made! As I could understand, they have this mindset in which they look up for what others have built in their life and get inspired to get where these people are.


In the whole, it is a much more positive and heartwarming way of being in my opinion. On the one side for the one who has achieved these great results, is happy about them and also wants to show what he has done because he does not have to care or be worried about what others may think and if they are going to criticise him; but also for the viewer - so to say - who is supportive from deep inside and believes that he also can realize his dream like his inspiration did!


You ask how to show your support? Just showing appreciation and interest is actually enough. The person who stands in front of you surely will be happy of every positive comment! But if you want to do more for his cause, you can share his message! You know how they say: #sharingiscaring ! Because you spread the word which will reach more people and this is mostly what one wants when he invests hard work and time in a project! Some can call it vanity but I believe that if you created an added value, this will actually be an inspiration for others to do also something and this is why I think that it should be shown off!

A little example is my friend F. who is an amazing drawer and posted a drawing she made. In consequence, I also wanted to draw something and - although I am not good as her - I spend a little time drawing and being creative! A bigger example which had much more impact was a singer who shared a charitable organisation he works with and lots of people he reached, got to know this organisation and were inspired to join it! 


You see what I mean? Showing off what you have done and achieved should really be taken as something good, as an inspiration to take benefits of! It can bring others to take the best out of them and encourage them to do more! This is at least the mindset we should all aspire to!

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