
I trust my guts

I am a pretty instinctive person. If I feel doing something I do it and if I do not, I do not! I often ask others for their opinion but in the end, I trust my guts... and I believe that it is better like that. 


Why? Well, let's think about a situation in which someone would advise me to do something I do not want to do and the outcome would be bad. If it would have not been my free choice to follow that person's advice, I would blame her for a while - and I generally do not want to blame anyone for my choices or for the things which happen to me.


Last week I was about to take a decision. People advised me to take it but I was not that sure and though, I did not tell anyone about my doubts... and then I had a dream in which one asked me if I wanted to take this decision and I immediately answered no in the dream. So, my subconscious mind knew before me that I actually did not want to take it. When I woke up, I had not any doubts anymore. 


I can also tell you from when I was looking for an internship: I was looking for a while and there was a start-up which wanted me but I was not sure. They did not convince me... Lots of people said I should take the chance but something told me that this was not the right thing to do. Two weeks later, I got a job interview at the place I still am right now and right away I loved it so much!

Thus, it is also like so that when I am instantly sure, it happens to be the right thing for me. May it be for my job, also as for spendings of many types. When I bought my car for instance, I glanced at it and said: "There it is!" 


I do not know if you have to know yourself a lot to trust your guts but in my experience, it is the right thing to do - at least for me!

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