
Am I the typical Italian girl?

"She comes out all made up, she only laughs forced, she feels above the world. She dresses only designer, shows off the branded handbag, a good night awaits her." A few years ago, there was this song in the Italian radios - La tipica ragazza italiana - The typical Italian girl.


Now... I have never seen myself like the girl in the song. NEVER. 
But sometimes I think that some people think it of me, or at least that they might think, I am the typical daddy's girl. And do not get me wrong - I know that I am absolutely daddy's girl in the sense that I know how much he loves me! But I do not think to be the typical daddy's girl who gets everything she wants just by asking! 


My parents educated me to know the value of work, experiences and what you can gain from them. Beside this I can remember helping out in the family business from when I was little. I was always around. And when I started working, I realised how rewarding it was to be able to spend my own earned money. Not to mention that I did not have to ask but was kind of independent with it!


Now back to the image of "The typical Italian girl". 
In the song the girl appears snooty, maybe superficial. People around me have often said that I also tend to appear like that. There was a friend of mine who told me that she thought I would be completely different - rather snobbish maybe.

I think that it depends on my mood - sometimes, also depending in which context I am - I become pretty shy for a leo girl and stick to myself. Who knows me says that this kind of shyness blended with my attire might be the reason why I come across as someone different. 


As with all the things, I guess what you see on the outside is just the peak of the iceberg. This is my personal experience and most probably I also think wrong of lots of people just because of the impact they have on me at first glance. Nevertheless, maybe we should all look behind of what we see - myself included - at least if we want to get to know the people around us a little bit more.

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