
What I like in a story

If you follow me on Instagram, you might know that I am reading a book right now - Greenlights from Matthew McConaughey... Yes, exactly, the Oscar awarded actor.

I will not talk about the book in this post as I am not completely through with it - it just arrived yesterday - but I will tell you why I like it till now or better said what I like in a story.


I like stories. I like to profit from someone's history. And I mostly like positive, inspiring mindsets which lift you up. You know? When you try to see the positive side or at least look back at a situation to sum up what was good about it. I like anecdotes or better to say proves which tell me that my faith, my trust (and pixie dust) is justified.


What I also like in stories is reading about something relatable. Meaning that I want to be able to put myself in the protagonist's shoes as this gives you a) more introspection in yourself and b) the advantage to get in a scenario in which you have not yet been but might get involved in.

I also am the kind of person who quotes a movie or a poet e.g. during a normal talk. Do I do it because I otherwise cannot express myself? Well, I have a blog so I hope that I can express myself well! No, it is as if also someone other lived a similar moment and maybe also thought something similar, I feel better. It is like I have more courage in such a situation, you know? 


This said, I think that I will write about Greenlights next week, when I will have finished it. I already know that I will quote some parts!

Now, excuse me if this post will end so abruptly but I want to go read my new book now!

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