
I am lucky girl

Last week, a colleague of mine suddenly had to be brought in hospital, in the same week she smashed her phone and lastly some guys broke into her Mini and stole her bag with all her documents.

I was kind of shocked as she told me the story and showed me pictures of the broken glass.

I went downstairs in the kitchen and said to M.: "We are so lucky and don't know it!"


I really am so lucky in more than a way - I had the opportunity to study in one of the 100 best universities worldwide, I love my job and all the things I do, I do not have to concern too much, I even get my spelt & lactose-free meals cooked every time I want by our patient cook (my parents own a restaurant)! Sometimes I really think, I have a dream life!


Of course, there are also days in which not everything works as I want; situations, I wish I could change and do not know how; moments in which I feel down... I actually am a really sensitive person, e.g. I cried rivers watching Disney's Coco last week. So you can imagine that there are quite a few things which let me think and move me. Either way, even when I do not know what to do, I try to not brood over too much but I talk about my concerns. And also here I am very spoiled as I can rely on many people who will listen to me.


In the end, I am optimistic as also my nickname implies! So I have faith! Faith that everything will make sense, that there is a plan above or destiny (maybe many) but also that I can influence it with my decisions and actions...

Whatever the case, I believe that one reason why I am so bright is because I get so many little things to appreciate. I look at the bright side and tell myself that everything is going to be fine as it has till now.

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