
Appearance can be deceiving

We all know that the biggest part of an iceberg is under water and in case of an iceberg in particular, we do not forget that... we do not forget that what we see is not actually, what there really is the whole but in other situations we do...


We often stop at the first glance and judge basing just on this. That is also why they say that there only one chance to give a first impression, isn't it? And I am talking of myself also! Surely, I am not perfect and surely, it may have happened that I judged based only on what I saw in the first moment. But it is an error and I tell you this because I have experienced it on my skin many times.


I remember a game, we did in high school where the teacher made assumptions about every one of us, then the class had to agree or disagree with it and finally, the person had to state if the assumption made was right or wrong. 

I remember that regarding one of the assumptions made about me the whole class believed it would be true and it was not - they were pretty surprised!


And in my opinion, the point is not that you should not judge or make your assumptions at all. I do not think that this is possible in our society as it is normal - and also right - to build your own opinion on every possible subject given the data you have. I believe much more that one should keep in mind that mostly, we do not have all data! We mostly do not know everything about a situation, a subject or even a person! So, even if we are building us our own opinion on it, we should know that we are able to change and adapt it, every moment depending on further information!


In the end, you know what they say: "Appearance can be deceiving!"

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