
Series of events

Have you ever experienced a series of events that have led to a special outcome?
Well. I might be strange but I believe in these kind of series. You ask yourself why or what does it mean? 

I would not say that it is a fatalistic way of seeing things. It is about constating with attention what happens around you.


Am I talking about signs? Maybe, kind of... Either way, in the end of course, you interpret signs the way you want to, But sometimes, when things go the opposite of what they had to and continue this way, I ask myself, why and come to a conclusion, my conclusion!

Obviously, this way of acting gives you a different point of view. 

I hold on to what I see and am much more faithful or maybe could let go easier (if only, I would be someone who lets go easy...).


It is like an argumentation - I really see bricks building up for or against a specific issue - in a series. 

In a certain way, I also think that this makes me stronger. The reason why is that as I have this "well-founded" faith, I am less fearful. This therefore, leads to a more clear or perhaps even positive view. As even if you believe something is happening which would normally scare you, catching you unprepared, this time you foresee it and can adjust your behaviour.


You may now tell me that this has nothing to do with the fact I believe in what this "series of events" leads to. But even if it does not proof that the outcome of the series is always what I imagined, it also will always improve my mindset - which for me is more important than a momentary outcome, you know?


The point is that there may be days in which not everything goes smoothly but we can reap small gains also from these and look forward to something bigger and better.


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