
Have faith, let go, not stress

How many times have I professed to have faith? Many, didn't I?

To be honest, I really believe that I have faith and that you have to trust the right timing but on the other hand side - I can be sooo impatient.


H. would say the opposite about me but the truth is that when it comes about certain issues, I try to stay calm and relaxed but on the inside I still am a bit nervous...

Maybe this tension decreases with time ("Fake it, till you make it", they say) and this is why H. believes patience is one of my strengths - but this does not mean I am really chilled out...


To be really chilled out, you have to let go. And here is when the faith of which I talked initially is key! When you have faith and are absolutely certain and confident about your plans, letting go is much more easier. You are not under stress as you "know" that your plan is going to realise!


Funnily, I can tell you another thing which happens to me: When I am "completely" (and I stress out on this completely) certain or let go of a wish or a plan and have this feeling that it is going to happen, it does! H. calls me a magician because of this - I think it is something like a sixth sense... maybe... who knows!


I know, sometimes it is not really easy or simple. You see things in a certain way and to convince yourself that everything is going to be as desired does not seem realistic... but that does not mean that it is impossible in the end. 

I can tell you that I am a very optimistic person, rather too optimistic than realistic and despite that also I have my difficulties sometimes - so what do I? I affirm - fake it, till you make it - and release so. It might not work with everybody, but it works for me - and perhaps for you, too? 

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