
Growth comes from responsibilities

How do you think that people grow?
I have been faced with this issue a lot recently and what I can conclude is that personal growth surely comes from your experiences but maybe even more from your responsibilities. 


I am (still) 26 years old. Most people would address me as an adult which I actually am on paper. But am I really an adult? Do I feel like one? This I am not completely sure of.


My parents e.g. had me when they respectively were 22 and 24 years old after being married for 2 years,

The responsibility of taking care of a child first is undeniably big. Think of it, being "only" 22 years old. Of course, your value system as well as your priorities change and you begin to grow, to make thoughtful decisions, you get more resolute as you cannot "afford" to be mindless as you were before.

Certainly, this does not mean that you grow or become an adult only when you get children! This example was only to show what big of a responsibility children are and they way, one grows by having them.


If I could speak for myself, I would say that I grew a lot at work in the last couple of months! Why? Because of my responsibilities again! Not only, I have more tasks to accomplish right now but I am bear also a lot more weight which I cannot transfer. It is my turn now. I am accountable but you know... I am learning how to face these new challenges and each one of them makes me feel excited - even more when I am done with it and can say "I did it!".


I am a fan of learning by doing. Maybe the one or other mistake will be involved, maybe the one or other success will be involved. The important thing to me is that I do everything with the best of conscience knowing that I am capable of growing.

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