
Feeling all my wishes fulfilled

Yesterday I turned 28 and I was so emotional!

If one hears it like this, maybe one could think that it was about the age - but this time, it really was not!


In the last couple of years, I have always struggled a bit on my birthday because I had thought that I would not have done the things which I had prefixed me to do in the previous year. But not this year! Maybe because I really had a full, wonderful one and although I have not done everything, I indeed experienced a lot. And you know me: I prefer focusing on the good stuff in life! 

Well, this time not only that was the last of my thoughts, but also I felt so loved and so thought about, the whole day that it filled me. It filled me with love, joy and emotions… which eventually also made me cry. But don’t you worry - these were good tears!


Many people - some of which I would have not expected it from - thought about me in different ways. They called, sent me messages, sent me beautiful, wonderful, special gifts, took time for me and made me feel loved in the whole! I surely take it not for granted!


So now, it is time to look forward. I can tell you that already last night I had some moments à la “let’s explore the world” - and yes, I know that it might sound exaggerated but to me, it somewhen felt so! When the first “obstacles” seemed to have appeared, someone - different people in different occasions, all in the same day - came to help and manage the situation. So everything succeeded!

It surely was a good start - all that I wanted to do, somehow worked out.


Last year, I prefixed me some things - let's say, I put out some wishes - and all of them realised. Seeing how the year is starting, I am veeery faithful for the upcoming year! I already feel all of the wishes for the next year fulfilled!

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