
Releasing dopamine

I know, what you might have thought: "Only six blog posts and she is away again..." not for good! I just enjoyed my summer vacation - actually pretty all August - to the fullest with little pc time and lots of new experiences - and these I want to tell about today!


It was very much a staycation as I did not book a hotel or anything to stay in but still, I was away pretty much 90% of the time and either way, it was a veeeery cool vacation. Why? Because my body released a lot of dopamine!

But let's begin from the beginning:

Actually, the first week was more about calming down. Of course I was eating out, I read a book in a day and began another straight away, I went looking for furniture, I spent a few nights at my best friend's house going for walks and binging whilst eating popcorn together... chilled and very nice!


In my second week off, again I continued reading but spent most of my time in the sun and by the water - let it be the public pool, a very nice spa or the lake Zurich! And here I can tell you how I released dopamine... Beginning with the public pool, I jumped off the diving board and I went on the water slide again after maybe 15 years! Oh, I laughed so much that day!! It was so funny and exciting and yet so simple - something "you would not do in a certain age", but really... tell me why! It was liberating and hilarious and it did me so much good!

In the spa, I really enjoyed the hot and cold tubs with 30 degrees apart from one another - coming out of the cold tub, I could no longer feel my legs, surely an interesting sensation! - as well as the snow chamber, especially after having been in the sauna for 10 minutes. At first, I thought that it would be crazy entering it in my bathing suit but also this felt very liberating and yet exciting to do!


And lastly, in my last vacation week I probably released the most dopamine and tried new things. First of all, I started playing squash! I am going regularly for three weeks now and I enjoy it a lot! Every squash shot is a small win that makes me proud and happy! You see, I never was really sporty... And every time, that I come out of the squash hall and I am redder than I have probably ever been.

Then I played mini golf for the first time ever and although this may seem something smallish, I had never played it before, so it was indeed something new and exciting! And guess what... I am going to have my first REAL golf hour next week! Can you imagine how happy and excited I am for that one?!

Continuing doing new things, I drove for the first time almost two hours in a row - which is a new thing for me - and went to Europa-Park. Of course, I released dopamine there, especially riding the major rollercoasters as well as the new Voltron (hereto, if I can give you a little advise, pay attention. This one is hard. I was out of order for 20 minutes straight afterwards, needing a "circulation coke").


Although my vacation ended about two weeks ago, I continued enjoying my off/after work time reading, eating out, playing squash, I went to street festivals where people asked "Don't you work tomorrow?!" and yes, I did, but I also did not care! I do not want to end this summer. I want to continue release dopamine and I will.

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