

Normally, this week I should have written a post in German but a switch of plans was required. My Malsta sunglasses from Ilymix arrived on Tuesday!

Who follows me on Instagram will know how excited I was in unboxing them! I basically ran in my office and did the live unboxing.


They came in this little tiny brown box signed with the Ilymix logo. I opened the box and pink crepe paper strips came off.



I was almost shocked by the really good quality and how beautiful they fit! I did not expect them to be so heavy and I thought that they might be too big for my face but they are not! 

From the weight and the details you can tell that they are actually well-made and I can only recommend them - especially for the price!


Since Tuesday I have worn them every day and I got so many compliments! Probably, the key point is that the look a bit different. I mean, they are edgy but not too over the top. They look clean and chic and I love how they suit me! In addition, I am pretty sure that not everybody has such a pair of sunglasses!

It took them about three weeks to arrive but in the end the result was worth the waiting - let's say they are a kind of delayed birthday present!

What I cherish the most, was the I did not have to worry more than I actually thought as Ilymix bore all custom duties. This order really was "stress free"!

Finally, I want to remind you of the promo code which Ilymix gently offered for my followers!With it you can get 15$ off - which in effect is more than the shipment fees I paid!

And now some pictures!

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