
Using time the right way

It's been two weeks since my vacation started. One of these, I spent it in Malta seeing and experiencing new things. And sure, it was great! But I am the kind of person who lives her best life surrounded by the company of the beloved ones!


I have lived for two years in Sicily at the times of elementary school and luckily, I still have my friends here.

Can you imagine such a friendship? We spent two years actually together and since then almost every summer. These are real friendships! Now they also go to university and have their own lives but when I'm here in summer, we always meet. I even say that two of them kind of adopt me as we are always always always together!


This year for example we reviewed our pictures (and memories) from 2009. We were so little! On the photos which we looked, well, we didn't do anything special at the times but we still remember those afternoons together.


We never have enough time to spend but the time we do spend together is simply wonderful. One night one of girls said: "Guys, with you I can actually relax!" This is because with the right people, everything is sooo easy!

We arranged every day with at most one day of advance. This means that in the evenings we checked the weather forecast and made up for the morning to come to go to the pool or woke up in the mornings and wrote about meeting for breakfast. 


We used every single day we had. We actually made so many new memories and took pictures to create a new album - with looooots of selfies! 

I will remember this vacation as I also remember the others but the point is that I used - maybe even less - time in a better way.


Doing something, going out, enjoying, laughing: these are the things which matter at the end... and it does not matter if finally we are just joking around, singing in the car, looking down to the river, having a barbecue or buying some chocolate because these moments are resting in our memories. I mean, with my friends we laughed about an afternoon in which we only took some funny pics!


I know, you may say: "In the title of this post you talked about using time the >right< way and not of doing something instead of doing nothing." Yes, you are right, but which is the right way? For me, the right way is spending time with the people I love! And as I said, enjoying and laughing together... maybe also creating some insider jokes: Flamingo! 


I love being around my friends and I am so grateful to have them! 

What is your way to use time the right way? 


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Kommentare: 3
  • #1

    marco n (Sonntag, 02 September 2018 19:54)

    i use my time to travel the world most of all australia � spiders are scary though �

  • #2

    Schatzii (Samstag, 08 September 2018 12:03)

    Love you so much. I was so lucky to adopt you! Every summer is different and unforgettable thanks to you. I will always remember every single moment.
    Your Schatzii �

  • #3

    lilly (Samstag, 06 Oktober 2018 19:20)

    Using time the right way for me simply means to be happy and enjoy. It doesn't matter if it's with friends, family or even alone, if it's at home or during traveling. Of course friends and family play a very important role in my life as well but sometimes it's just good to have a walk in the forest - alone - and listen to the sounds of nature and concentrate on yourself.
    I can totally understand you - with the right persons one hour can be like a two weeks holiday and make you sunshine-happy :)