
The thin line between wanting and needing

A few days ago, I was with my friend and we were stumbling through her Instagram feed. Suddenly, she began to laugh so hard! The reason? There was post which said: "There is a difference between wanting and needing something - I want a sixpack, but I need a pizza!" 

Well, it is true! Wanting and needing do not always coincide and this may be sad for someone but perhaps it should not!

I think that the approach with wanting something is the matter here. Maybe also how much we actually want that something and how do we feel about that.


Generally, I think that it is better to want something than to need it. When you need something, you cannot live without it. You are dependent on that one thing and personally, I don't like that!

But wanting despite not needing is something different. It shows that you are making a decision, that you are capable of deliberating about whether you are going to experience that special "thing" or not.


On the other hand, when you need something you really can't do anything about it. Of course, the post which Kay and I read was a little bit ironic, but actually... we need food for living!

We also need sleep and a home and a job... but we can decide: when (or how much) we are going to sleep, which house we will live in and which job offer we will take in consideration.


So, we come again to the point in which we simply take the choice which will pleasure us more. In economics, we would say the path which gives you the biggest payoff... It is not about wanting something that we won't achieve: there are millions of paths, you can take in your life, aren't they? It is about making the choice which is the right for you and makes you serene! 


Now... these things which you choose to want in between your needs are soooooo many from the food you choose, to the job offer you take, to the people you want to surround yourself with!

Simultaneously, you are also chosen, too! Talking about your job for example: There were people who chose to give you the possibilty to enter this job, who chose you between others and trusted you. 

The same relates to the ones who want to stay with you: I feel grateful for my friends that they chose to be my friends. You know: Everybody needs some social circle, a group or whatsoever but not everybody needs a special person and when you actually are that special person... Well, that is something to be grateful and honoured about... and I am! 
So by the way, thanks guys! 


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Kommentare: 2
  • #1

    Filippo (Samstag, 29 September 2018 18:11)

    Nice job!

    "...economics, we would say the path which gives you the biggest payoff..."
    So how do you know which path will give you the biggest payoff?

  • #2

    lilly (Samstag, 06 Oktober 2018 17:25)

    I like the way you think about it and by the way: You are most welcome and thank you for choosing me as well! :* <3