
A fashion lover who...

The people who know me and who maybe follow me on Instagram will know. I am a BIG fashion lover!

I have grown up with the real passion for fashion as the slogan for the Bratz professed. By the way, I had Yasmin and Jade! 


The question which someone asked is how is it possible that such a fashion obsessed who additionally has started a blog, writes so little about fashion.

The question is completely legit! 


You know, have you ever searched for a certain topic on Youtube? Let's say "The Must-Have Pieces for Spring 2019", I'd say that the most videos will display the same or at least very similar items. And the point why I do not talk about fashion so often is simply this! I don't want to be the nth one who talks about the "10 pieces to always look on point". 


I think my content has to be original and something that you do not get everywhere because if it would be so, then why read my blog, you understand? I want my blog to be different but not because I think I am superior or anything like this, it is only that I want it to reflect my ideas. Consequently, if I think that you can get also great fashion content elsewhere, then I'll mostly continue with my reflexive posts.


Either case, there certainly is a way to spot my style and gain inspiration from it! To be specific, I love it to post my outfits on my Instagram account. Maybe looking at my photos, you'll also recognise the latest trends or simply receive some insights into my preferences!


But in the end, there is something I want to tell you and this is why I love fashion so much. With fashion you can express yourself! 

As Blair Waldorf said : "Fashion is the most powerful art there is. It's movement, design and architecture all in one. It shows the world who we are and who we'd like to be."

So, choose your own version of fashion. There are so many possibilities and combinations! On the one day you can be a manager, on the other a sports fanatic, but please stick to one style a time! :D

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