
Green light and pixie dust

"[He] believed in the green light. The orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluted us then but that's no matter; tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms further and one fine morning... So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."

Some of you will instantly recognise this excerpt, for others it would be clearer if I had wrote the lyrics of "Young and Beautiful". Ahh, you see?! Now you also recognise that it is from Gatsby. From "The Great Gatsby", don't you?


What is it about Gatsby that fascinates? Is it his money? His house? His passion about Daisy? I think that it is his belief in the green light. He had faith. He had had the most powerful faith which brought him to have his dream in his own hands. You may say that he also lost his dream; yes, he was shot and left, so I guess you are right but I think that at that point he had also lost a least a bit of faith. Daisy did not answer at his requests as he wanted and he started setting her under pressure. If he had been completely sure about them together and would have had no doubts, he would have not done so.

This is why, I think that the green light - his faith - first brought him far but that it could have also brought him sooo much further.


Now, let's go away from Gatsby; on Christmas I received the mug which is simply made for me! Thank you again, A & J. I love it. It is shaped as Chip from "The Beauty and the Beast" (dt. Tassilo, it. Chicco) in an elegant creamy white with the golden writing: "All is takes is Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust". It is sooo beautiful... ah, and on the inside there is a little Tinkerbell, too. But now enough of the mug. The writing is obviously from Peter Pan... pixie dust, you know?! I am not sure how and where to get this one, but ok, I have the other two. Or the other one...

To me, faith and trust are kind of an hendiadys - yes, now the nerd in me is coming up: for the ones who hadn't Latin in school, an hendiadys is a figure of speech in which you use two words to say the same thing. You have faith in something and you also have trust in something. You believe that the situation is turning right.


I am a true believer that things do not just happen. I have faith that it is so as there are too many horrible things and I think that we should learn from them. 

I believe in the good in people and that eventually situations will fix themselves in a way or another. I am not saying that it is always easy but it surely is easier if you let go. Let go of the bad thoughts.  Let go of wanting to control it all... just as Gatsby wanted with Daisy.


On the one hand, it takes strengh and courage, nevertheless I assure you that it is also very releasing. Do what you can and then be positive. Have faith and trust. The pixie dust will eventually come. 

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