
The place to be

I will never end to say this. 

For me the place to be is with the people you love and who love you; the people, you have fun with and with whom everything becomes a memory: also a hike with a painful ending or a simple walk by the river.

I know that this is not the case for everyone. But hey, I am a Leo girl! And lions live in prides; maybe that is the reason why I am happy when we are "all together!"


But... of course I am not completely indifferent to a beautiful panorama. The nature with all its wonders really is wonderful! ( - and yes, there are views that I enjoy more than others but this is something personal). So enjoying these with the right ones is only better! It gives you the sensation of truly peace... also when it rains.


Indeed, there are things you enjoy doing or places you definitely want to visit in your life because there are known for being special and unique. By the way, I do not want to give the impression that I do not like to travel and know new places. I think that every little thing you learn in life brings you a little further. These are experiences. It is only that I enjoy them more when I am in good company!


You think that travel or only deciding what to do in group is difficult? Oh yes! It can be... Here I really share your opinion as bringing together different heads is difficult but in the end compromises exist and spending joint time is the beauty. Sharing the experiences which become joint memories is the beauty. And in 5 years from now, you altogether will look at the photos or only remember these particular days and smile. 


As I said earlier, maybe more individualistic people may think different from me. They will say that you can enjoy also time by yourself and surely there are moments when everybody needs a little bit of me-time.
But in the end, I will always prefer to share my meal with someone than to eat a quick burger.

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