
Billions and trillions and quadrillions

My first blogpost was posted two years ago. On 6/23 2018. Things have changed since then. I went from not being even graduated, to get my bachelor's degree, to be on job hunt, to be in my current internship and now...? Things evolve. Of course, this was only a part of my life in the last two years.


I started my blog as my project. A place for me to reflect, to motivate, to inspire even myself! I truly think that it was cathartic for me and hope that it was also helpful or at least interesting for some of you sometimes. 

But enough of what has been! It is not that adjuvant to ruminate on the past. We should focus on what we can do now. And I know this may sound like a done deal but the past is nothing you can change or have an impact on. The living moment is! And maybe also your future - what is going to be...


That is why I e.g. started a list. Who knows me may know that I am sooo organised in some and such a chaotic person in other areas of my life (you really do not want to see in my cupboard!). The list is about what I want. What I want to achieve, what I want in general. Imagine that: I wrote one thing on Saturday and got a phone call regarding this issue on Monday. "Ask and you shall receive!" is what one thinks! 

Possibly, I will not continue with such lists in eternity but I guess they are good to have your objectives clear in mind. Of course, in my mind I know that I would like to do this and love to get on that point and so on but when something is written down is stays there - verba volant, scripta manent (Yes, today I am in this quoting mode!).


Also I think that such a list helps structure - and organise - you better. What are your priorities maybe? What do you really want? When should you get there? What would you prefer among similar possibilities? These are all relevant questions because clearly it would be nice having three Birkin Bags but surely waking up every day and be peaceful and happy is better! So what would you make peaceful and happy? How do you get there?... 
You see what I mean?

Maybe there are people who think: "Why should I have all these thoughts? I can wonderfully pass my days in absolute calm and peace without worrying." But it is not about worrying! Worrying actually does not help at all! It makes all worse! So no, that is not the path we are wanting to go. It is about inspiration, motivation, about the billions and trillions and quadrillions of beautiful possibilities everyone has in their life! Perhaps not every single is feasible but that is why I have the others on the list!


I do not know for how long I will continue posting every week on Saturdays but for the moment I am here and I love writing just as I did when I began.

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