
Changing my mind

Ask my family and friends and they will say you that sometimes I say things like: "Of, course, I am right! Did you have any doubts?" 
When I state my opinion, I usually am really convinced of what I am saying - I mean, I started my blog writing about my opinions and beliefs, this could give you an hint on my personality...


Either way, there may be times when I am wrong... Maybe I do not know the whole story, maybe I am focused only on one perspective?
When discussing with one of my best friends for instance, he does not argument a lot but he asks questions which spin my point of view and make me realise that at least in some areas my argument may have holes.

To be honest, I never liked this kind of Socratic method because it sometimes could leave me without words and can you image me without words?! But today I prefer it on not debating at all.


Of course, I want the world to respect my opinions and decisions but if you have good reasons, I do not want you barely to respect mine. I want you to prove me that I am wrong! You are allowed to change my mind, to display your point of view! So, if you can show me other sights on a topic, please do! Share them with me! Otherwise I could be wrong for an immense piece of time not knowing or realising. 

You might think: "How can I convince someone who is this convinced about her own beliefs? I can state how I see the things but will she understand?" Try. I say try. And maybe also re-try. Explain what you think. Maybe I will counterstrike, maybe I will not. If I will, you will have the possibility to explain yourself even further; if I will not you will have shown me something new - and in the end, we will both have won: You an argument and I will have grown.

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