

Today, I should actually post in German but as I want as many people as possible, understanding what I write, here it comes in English!

As I have told you last week, I read Mr. McConaughey's autobiography. It has been reaaaally cool! And now some insights for you!

I have read the book in Italian, my mother tongue, this is why I will not quote hundred percent. I will simply translate my beloved parts.


Let us begin with the title: Greenlights! Do you know what I have thought when reading it the first time? Exactly! Jay Gatsby! Jay, who "believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us..." I love Gatsby's faith and confidence! 
But McConaughey's greenlights are bit different: Greenlights for him are signs which tell you - like in traffic - to go on, to step forward. They confirm that we are doing right. "They tell us yes and give what we want." You see, why I liked the book, don't ya?


"Alright, alright, alright!" This was Matthew's first stake on screen. Imagine him in his twenties maneuvering with a car. A cute, cool guy which affirms to himself that everything was going to be fine! I have said these words to myself, too. Next time, I will surely think about his scene.


On a point in the book, the author says, he felt ready to change - to pass from "I would if I could" to "I can and I am". It is a mindset shift and I really believe that this changes a lot. Why? Because the approach you have in life is different: Much more hands on! Just do it! And we can see that for his experience, this really worked!


Now I will simply translate a passage and let it as it is - I liked it:
"the secret is the energy

Everybody asks himself how to be successful in life.

First come the native abilities and hard work.


But don't forget the energy.

The undefined and intangible asterisk.

Someone calls it charisma.

Someone calls it magic.

The secret is the magic.

In energy, there is magic."

I think it is easy to see why someone like me who drinks her morning coffee from a mug on which is written "All you need is faith, trust and pixie dust." liked this.


Let us come to an eye-opening moment - actually I heard from this line before buying the book and it was what convinced me to read it: "Hollywood. You have to want her. Not needing her." I wrote a post a long time ago on this issue actually... but it is important to keep it in front of your eyes, to keep it in mind! As depending on whether you need or want something, your behavior transposes and how you deal with things variates.


Another issue is... "When you can, ask yourself if you want it first." It is about setting wishes and priorities. Although I could have a Boing 360 (I do not now if there is a plane called that way, just e.g.), would I want it? Would it be important to me? I guess not really. On the other hand side, maybe - almost surely - it is important to focus on what is important to you first!


Now... we have set our focus to our wishes and maybe we have acted also. Either way, we should remember that what we do not do is relevant, too. Sometimes a missed opportunity is hard to face and that is why I mostly try things out and prefer to not let them undone!... I have to say that I am happy that there are other people who share my view on the world!

"The more kicks our if only get

the more we will get what we want.

Do not walk on the line of the it is too late, it is too early

until you are on the point of death."


Furthermore there are these points when one might believe that a beautiful thing would be too much for him: may it be a victory, a wonderful joy, something one does not expect... Why is there this mindset?! If it is there, do not waste it! Do not think of issues, when there are not! I did this before and most of all, it was a waste of time and energies! When something beautiful happens, accept it! Embrace it! Matthew would say, it is a Greenlight!

...Aaand connecting to this: He also says (and I am working on myself to implement his thoughts) that it makes no sense to say that something is incredible, when it just happened to you! And well, he is right!

If something spectacular, extraordinary and wonderful happens, it is really a wonder! But it is not incredible - do not use that word. It happened, believe it!


I want to end with an anecdote of his... a paragraph which I photographed: There is this little part of his journals in the book, where he said that he made love to his wife that morning and he did it knowing that this would have changed his whole day. Everything would have been much more beautiful and enjoyable. The little things... much more pleasant. And it was true. Isn't it beautiful?


I loved the book, if it was not clear till now.

To let you love it as much as I did, I want to share some sites, where you can find it:

Click here for he English version...

Here is the German one...

And here the Italian which I read...

But... actually, I would first recommend you to ask your favourite book store. I am sure, the people out there would love to help you further!

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