
A book judged by its cover

I have always liked to dress up, I have always been into fashion and you probably see that if you see my Instagram profile.

That is who I am and what I have always liked. This is what I was raised like and I am not ashamed for it as I am not harming anyone with my style.

But there is also a life beyond that. So many facets, which can go lost, if you do not dive deep in it.


In the past, I have thought about writing down in this space, other things that I like and which would maybe surprise a lot of people. I will not go into detail, it should last that I tell you that as a kid I passed lots of summers with my male cousins - playing what they used to play and I liked it, too.

This is just an example to show that also if I might seem this classy and always put together young woman, I not always so put together as I seem - which by the way, in my opinion, is not bad or good. It just depends on the occasion.


Probably, lots of times in my life, I was judged by my appearance. A. once said that in school, she always thought I might be snooty only to change her mind once she really got to know me. I do not remember if then I asked her why. The point is that I do not really mind.


On Thursday morning, I shot this picture - one of my usual mirror selfies just before leaving the house.

I thought about writing something, too but in the end, I did not even post the picture. Why, you ask? Because I did not want to seem provocative, which I am not.


You may ask yourself in this case, why I then say that I do not mind if people judge me wrong... Well, there is a tiny difference in my opinion:

If people think that I am snooty or maybe even arrogant, I know that I can prove them wrong, as what I like and how I spend my money into more expensive fashion brands, does not affect my good voice, sensitivity or my bright mood. On the other hand side, this picture could have seemed provocative after having a particular discussion, the day before.


It is okay to me if people think "Oh, what is she wearing?! I would never wear that!" "She clearly loves her fashion brands" and so on. I do not mind if people talk about me or at least, I do not care soooo much what they think about my appearance. It is not that which determines who I am.

Of course, what I like reflects a particular side of me, nonetheless it is the peak of the iceberg or only the cover of my book! 


Most likely, I am not the only one who is "judged" and to be completely honest, sometimes I also think "Oh, what are they wearing?", either way, mostly only in the first moments to then reprehend myself afterwards. So in the end, this blogpost is also a reminder to myself.

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