

As you can guess from the title, this week i became 22 years old... and looking at the picture one could tell that I'm pretty happy!


It was a lovely night! I'm a bit of a egocentric person and being cherished is always beautiful!


It wasn't anything too big. When it comes to birthdays, I like it to keep it simple and having my people around me just for the pleasure of being there. And so it was. Some of my friends came for dinner and we stayed up chatting and having fun. Why only some of them? Well, my best friend who I grew up with, couldn't come and my other close friends live in Italy. But in the end I had attention from them also!

On midnight my two loveliest called - these things are great! Giaduccia had even written a little poem for me. So incredibly sweet and surely a big gift! The poem is about me and our friendship, it is "custom made" and well-thought-out. These are the best gifts! And this is because she knows and loves me! Who knows and loves you, knows what you like!

Here are a few more examples:

I begin talking about the earrings. I already had some tussle earrings. And yes! I loved those, so my brother thought well of buying me these in pink - he said they would suit me and after having them on, I think they actually do; the rose quartz detail is sooo elegant!

He also got me this beautiful rosé lipstick. I actually love this color! It is a deeper rosé: not too nude, but not too bulky. I don't think that it will last too long...

The third object which you can see on the picture above is a gift from my Mom. It is the Armani Code summer fragrance. This year is the third in a row that I have this now and I don't get tired of it! It is light and fresh and yet a bit mysterious. 


This one arrived this morning and was delivered directly to me. It is "Pride and prejudice". I have a predilection for classics and this had not already been on my shelf. As I'm quite a romantic - and positive - person, this love story which has a happy ending was a splendid choice! Of course, I have already begun to read. Well done, Phil! 


The sunglasses are again a gift from my brother - yes, he is very kind! I have raved over these for months but always saying that I did not really need another pair of sunnies and that they may not be as classic as others. In the end, I'm so happy that I have these! They are soo cool and elegant and hip and and and...

The next two items are from Melli and Alina. These two chicks got me also other things which are really appropriate but this book and the key ring are just perfect!

As with "Pride and Prejudice", I have already begun reading the "Blog-Bible". I mean, I have still so much to learn about this new world and having a guideline is just what I needed!
And last but not least the most wonderful key ring! Although I became 22 years old, I'm still a big Disney fan. You can see Snow White's apple, Cinderella's crystal shoe, Belle's rose and Ariel's shell. So romantic and pretty and lovely. I really needed a new key ring for the car keys and now I have the perfect one!


Of course, I got lot more gifts and I thank you all for those. I just wanted to present some, also to explain who I am and maybe also how important it is to know somebody when you plan on a making a gift!


Certainly, I want to thank also all the people who have thought of me on my birthday and wished me all the best! Thank you so much from deep inside!

As these are gifts from my beloved ones, none of the items showed above are sponsored at all. Nonetheless, I will put you the links here if you are interested in some of them. For the items which I'll not find online, I'll put some similar options.

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Kommentare: 2
  • #1

    Melli (Samstag, 28 Juli 2018 18:41)

    Sehr schöner Blogbeitrag liebe Ari ♥️ Es freut mich, dass du diesen Abend in so schöner Erinnerung behältst & du viel Freude mit deinen Geschenken hast!

  • #2

    Artemide Rossa (Sonntag, 29 Juli 2018 18:14)

    Vorrei complimentarmi con te in inglese , o magari in tedesco, ma non sono brava quanto te, purtroppo!
    Trovo che stimare una persona sia il più importante punto di partenza per volerle bene e che stimarla voglia dire anche imparare a memoria ciò che le piace e ciò che le piace meno e, a volte, si sacrifica il proprio gusto o le proprie idee per la persona a cui si tiene.
    Non stimare te è impossibile.
    Penso che tu sia una persona che si faccia amare e meriti l' affetto dei tuoi amici. Sappi che anche quelli lontani sono sempre con te e sono sempre fieri di te.