
Arrived in Sicily

Getting up at 2 o'clock? A flight is waiting for me!

Stress? Kind of if I'm sincere but I was so excited to fly to Sicily! Vacation is coming!!!
Well... maybe it was a bit too early but at 8 in the morning we already were at the airport of Catania, in order to enjoy the whole first day!

Coming out of the airport, the first thing you see is one of Europe's still blowing out volcanos. Look at that!

Doesn't that look amazing? 

Okay, maybe I was a bit tired but... my friends - because yes! I have friends here in Sicily - were waiting for me to go out at night. We looked forward to  this night for almost two years. 

This means that at the very moment that they woke up, I got messages to let them know if I landed and when we were going to meet.

I loved it! It was sooo great to see them again and although we message each and every time, we talked every single minute!

Now, could you guess where I took this picture?
If you do not know this place, it might look like dreamland and probably it really is for some people - me included!
It is a big brand outlet in Sicily and for me it looks pretty much like the Europa Park!
You may ask yourself if I bought anything... Yes, indeed! But you may see me wearing these things in the next times. So no, I'll share the items in appropriate time.

But the beauty in such a place cannot be shared! That is why I went for a little kind of shooting yesterday! 

Such a beautiful place, isn't it?

I am going to spend my vacation at the sea and with friends and family as I also got some relatives here.
I do not really plan too much. It is chill time and when chill time is associated with the persons you love, it is always fun! At least for me!

What I love doing is to take as many pictures as I can to hold the moments and if they are worth sharing - as I think the above are - then I will post them. By the way, it was sooo much fun shooting those! I loved it! Well, I love my camera and the colours, so yeah...


I am looking forward to the next weeks for making some new wonderful memories as the ones which we could talk about all night with the squad!
I hope that you also enjoy your time and wish you some beautiful rest summer days!


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  • #1

    ~☆♡♤~ (Sonntag, 19 August 2018 11:18)

    sometimes it takes a very long time and you imagine it so many times that if it is not as you hoped it will suffer a lot.
    I hope that your holiday in Sicily has been as you hoped. a hug, Arisolbrigh